I R_N to: Golden Gate, Golden State, SF Guide
/Hey Bay Bae
Hospital: UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, California
Neighbourhood I resided: Lower Pacific Heights found via Craigslist
Transportation: I brought my car up to SF with me only because I couldn't find anywhere to store it. Most people who live in the city can get away with using public transportation (Muni/BART) or ride sharing (Lyft, Uber, etc). Also, it's super easy to catch a flight to anywhere in the world via SFO or Oakland International.
Compensation: If you are money hungry NorCal is the spot to make good money, their pay packages are incredible but you bet your bottom dollar you will be paying a shit ton in rent...
Cost of living: It's the most expensive city in the United States, rent prices are completely unreasonable within The City limits. The tech industry has come in and jacked up the prices making $5500/month rent the new norm. Here's a breakdown of the liveability of SF. There are options to live outside of the city (Marin, Oakland, Richmond, etc)....but you'll need to factor in the cost of commuting, parking, gas and car maintenance.
My two cents: Comparing NorCal to SoCal is like apple and oranges....it's impossible. SF was very different than what I had imagined and at the same time it wasn't. I realize that statement probably only makes sense in my head but I went there with high expectations thinking it was a city I could live a make roots and I just didn't get that head over heels type of feel. From talking with patients that were born and raised in the Bay area it seems as though the tech industry has come in and taken the city by storm. I think 10 years ago with the hippie culture and psychedelic vibes it would've been a different story but for me it just seemed like much of the same. The food scene is absolutely incredible and I had some of the best meals I've ever had in my life while living in SF. A huge draw to living in SF is that it's very accessible, you have everything you need within the city limits and it is seated in the perfect location allowing you to pop to Napa for Sunday Funday's or Tahoe for a weekend of skiing in the winter or hiking in the summer. I was very fortunate to meet really good, genuine people while I was there and love to visit for a weekend but for now I'm over hearing, "yeah I work for a tech startup"......
“It’s an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco”